Ag Market Commentary
- Wheat Posts Tuesday Gains
- Wheat futures were heading higher on Tuesday, with gains across the three markets. MPLS spring wheat was the leader to the upside, with 6 to 8 cent gains at the close. KC HRW futures were also heading higher, up 5 to 7 cents across most contracts. Chicago SRW futures were...
- Cattle Close Mixed, with Feeders the Upside Leaders
- Live cattle futures ended the Tuesday session with contracts mixed, steady to 30 cents lower in the nearbys and higher in the deferreds. Cash action from last week was mainly $202-203 in the South and $203 in the North. Feeder cattle futures were rallying on Tuesday, with contracts pushing $2.20...
- Hogs Head Higher on Tuesday
- Lean hog futures posted slight gains on Tuesday, up 45 to 60 cents in the nearbys. USDA’s Tuesday afternoon national average base hog negotiated price was at $91.79, up $2.28 from the day prior. The CME Lean Hog Index was another 72 cents higher on February 14 at $89.49 The...
- Soybeans Holds Tuesday Gains, Led by New Crop
- The soybean market closed with nearby gains of 2 to 3 cents and new crop months 5 to 7 cents higher. The national front month Cash Bean price from cmdtyView was 2 1/2 cents higher at $9.77 1/4. Soymeal futures were down $2.30/ton on the day, with Soy Oil futures...
- Corn Rallies to 16-Month High
- Corn was in rally mode on Tuesday, kicking off the week with gains to 4 to 7 cents across most contracts. March rallied through $5, to close above the level for the first time since October 2023. The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price was up 6 cents on Friday...
- Cotton Holds onto Tuesday Gains
- The cotton market closed out the Tuesday session with contracts up 40 to 58 points on the day. The outside factors were mixed. Crude oil futures were up $1.09/barrel on the day, with the US dollar index $0.360 higher. The National Cotton Council released their annual spring cotton planting survey,...
Grain Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of February 19, 2025, 05:32:53 AM CST or prior.
Livestock Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of February 19, 2025, 05:32:53 AM CST or prior.
Softs Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of February 19, 2025, 05:32:53 AM CST or prior.
Energies Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of February 19, 2025, 05:32:53 AM CST or prior.